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  1. CRISPR (Clustered, Regularly, Interspaced, Short, Palindromic Repeats) loci provide prokaryotes with an adaptive immunity against viruses and other mobile genetic elements. CRISPR arrays can be transcribed and...

    Authors: Avital Brodt, Mor N Lurie-Weinberger and Uri Gophna
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:65
  2. Data assimilation refers to methods for updating the state vector (initial condition) of a complex spatiotemporal model (such as a numerical weather model) by combining new observations with one or more prior ...

    Authors: Eric J Kostelich, Yang Kuang, Joshua M McDaniel, Nina Z Moore, Nikolay L Martirosyan and Mark C Preul
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:64
  3. The ability to perform de novo biosynthesis of purines is present in organisms in all three domains of life, reflecting the essentiality of these molecules to life. Although the pathway is quite similar in eukary...

    Authors: Anne M Brown, Samantha L Hoopes, Robert H White and Catherine A Sarisky
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:63
  4. Speciation corresponds to the progressive establishment of reproductive barriers between groups of individuals derived from an ancestral stock. Since Darwin did not believe that reproductive barriers could be ...

    Authors: Etienne Joly
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:62
  5. Transcription factors are thought to regulate the transcription of microRNA genes in a manner similar to that of protein-coding genes; that is, by binding to conventional transcription factor binding site DNA ...

    Authors: Jittima Piriyapongsa, I King Jordan, Andrew B Conley, Tom Ronan and Neil R Smalheiser
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:61
  6. A few major discoveries have influenced how ecologists and evolutionists study microbes. Here, in the format of an interview, we answer questions that directly relate to how these discoveries are perceived in ...

    Authors: Rebecca J Case and Yan Boucher
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:58
  7. Sequence homology considerations widely used to transfer functional annotation to uncharacterized protein sequences require special precautions in the case of non-globular sequence segments including membrane-...

    Authors: Wing-Cheong Wong, Sebastian Maurer-Stroh and Frank Eisenhaber
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:57
  8. Mitochondria mediate most of the energy production that occurs in the majority of eukaryotic organisms. These subcellular organelles contain a genome that differs from the nuclear genome and is referred to as ...

    Authors: Eric Faure, Luis Delaye, Sandra Tribolo, Anthony Levasseur, Hervé Seligmann and Roxane-Marie Barthélémy
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:56
  9. The vertebrate globin gene repertoire consists of seven members that differ in terms of structure, function and phyletic distribution. While hemoglobin, myoglobin, cytoglobin, and neuroglobin are present in al...

    Authors: Jasmin Dröge and Wojciech Makałowski
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:54
  10. Identifying group-specific characteristics in metabolic networks can provide better insight into evolutionary developments. Here, we present an approach to classify the three domains of life using topological ...

    Authors: Laurin AJ Mueller, Karl G Kugler, Michael Netzer, Armin Graber and Matthias Dehmer
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:53
  11. Based on unique, coherent properties of phylogenetic analysis, key amino acid substitutions and structural modeling, we have identified a new class of unusual microbial rhodopsins related to the Anabaena senso...

    Authors: Juan A Ugalde, Sheila Podell, Priya Narasingarao and Eric E Allen
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:52
  12. Volutin granules appear to be universally distributed and are morphologically and chemically identical to acidocalcisomes, which are electron-dense granular organelles rich in calcium and phosphate, whose func...

    Authors: Manfredo J Seufferheld, Kyung Mo Kim, James Whitfield, Alejandro Valerio and Gustavo Caetano-Anollés
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:50
  13. Currently a huge amount of protein-protein interaction data is available therefore extracting meaningful ones are a challenging task. In a protein-protein interaction network, hubs are considered as key protei...

    Authors: Mouna Choura and Ahmed Rebaï
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:49
  14. Chromosomal orthologs can reveal the shared ancestral gene set and their evolutionary trends. Additionally, physico-chemical properties of encoded proteins could provide information about functional adaptation...

    Authors: Humberto Peralta, Gabriela Guerrero, Alejandro Aguilar and Jaime Mora
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:48
  15. In many biological and therapeutic contexts, it is highly desirable to target a chemical specifically to a particular tissue where it exerts its biological effect. In this paper, we present a simple, generic, ...

    Authors: Bruce S Gardiner, Lihai Zhang, David W Smith, Peter Pivonka and Alan J Grodzinsky
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:46
  16. Phylogenetic reconstruction using DNA and protein sequences has allowed the reconstruction of evolutionary histories encompassing all life. We present and discuss a means to incorporate much of this rich narra...

    Authors: David Williams, Gregory P Fournier, Pascal Lapierre, Kristen S Swithers, Anna G Green, Cheryl P Andam and J Peter Gogarten
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:45
  17. It is becoming increasingly difficult to reconcile the observed extent of horizontal gene transfers with the central metaphor of a great tree uniting all evolving entities on the planet. In this manuscript we ...

    Authors: James O McInerney, Davide Pisani, Eric Bapteste and Mary J O'Connell
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:41
  18. We introduce several forest-based and network-based methods for exploring microbial evolution, and apply them to the study of thousands of genes from 30 strains of E. coli. This case study illustrates how additio...

    Authors: Julie Beauregard-Racine, Cédric Bicep, Klaus Schliep, Philippe Lopez, François-Joseph Lapointe and Eric Bapteste
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:39
  19. The CRISPR-Cas adaptive immunity systems that are present in most Archaea and many Bacteria function by incorporating fragments of alien genomes into specific genomic loci, transcribing the inserts and using t...

    Authors: Kira S Makarova, L Aravind, Yuri I Wolf and Eugene V Koonin
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:38
  20. Life is a chemical reaction. Three major transitions in early evolution are considered without recourse to a tree of life. The origin of prokaryotes required a steady supply of energy and electrons, probably i...

    Authors: William F Martin
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:36
  21. Genome sequencing has revolutionized our view of the relationships among genomes, particularly in revealing the confounding effects of lateral genetic transfer (LGT). Phylogenomic techniques have been used to ...

    Authors: Robert G Beiko
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:34
  22. Several computational candidate gene selection and prioritization methods have recently been developed. These in silico selection and prioritization techniques are usually based on two central approaches - the ex...

    Authors: Zané Lombard, Chungoo Park, Kateryna D Makova and Michèle Ramsay
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:30
  23. The chloroplast-localized ribulose-1, 5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), the primary enzyme responsible for autotrophy, is instrumental in the continual adaptation of plants to variations in the co...

    Authors: Lin Sen, Mario A Fares, Bo Liang, Lei Gao, Bo Wang, Ting Wang and Ying-Juan Su
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:29
  24. False discovery rate (FDR) control is commonly accepted as the most appropriate error control in multiple hypothesis testing problems. The accuracy of FDR estimation depends on the accuracy of the estimation o...

    Authors: Juntao Li, Puteri Paramita, Kwok Pui Choi and R Krishna Murthy Karuturi
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:27
  25. Accurate estimation of the divergence time of the extant eukaryotes is a fundamentally important but extremely difficult problem owing primarily to gross violations of the molecular clock at long evolutionary ...

    Authors: Diana Chernikova, Sam Motamedi, Miklós Csürös, Eugene V Koonin and Igor B Rogozin
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:26
  26. GWAS owe their popularity to the expectation that they will make a major impact on diagnosis, prognosis and management of disease by uncovering genetics underlying clinical phenotypes. The dominant paradigm in...

    Authors: Alexander V Alekseyenko, Nikita I Lytkin, Jizhou Ai, Bo Ding, Leonid Padyukov, Constantin F Aliferis and Alexander Statnikov
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:25
  27. The costs and benefits of spliceosomal introns in eukaryotes have not been established. One recognized effect of intron splicing is its known enhancement of gene expression. However, the mechanism regulating s...

    Authors: Deng-Ke Niu and Yu-Fei Yang
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:24
  28. MicroRNAs are small RNA species that regulate gene expression post-transcriptionally and are aberrantly expressed in many cancers including hematological malignancies. However, the role of microRNAs in the pat...

    Authors: Jianxiang Chi, Erica Ballabio, Xiao-He Chen, Rajko Kušec, Steve Taylor, Deborah Hay, Daniela Tramonti, Nigel J Saunders, Timothy Littlewood, Francesco Pezzella, Jacqueline Boultwood, James S Wainscoat, Christian SR Hatton and Charles H Lawrie
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:23
  29. Genetic plasticity may be understood as the ability of a functional gene network to tolerate alterations in its components or structure. Usually, the studies involving gene modifications in the course of the e...

    Authors: Rodrigo JS Dalmolin, Mauro AA Castro, José L Rybarczyk Filho, Luis HT Souza, Rita MC de Almeida and José CF Moreira
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:22
  30. Transposable elements (TEs) were first discovered more than 50 years ago, but were totally ignored for a long time. Over the last few decades they have gradually attracted increasing interest from research sci...

    Authors: Aurélie Hua-Van, Arnaud Le Rouzic, Thibaud S Boutin, Jonathan Filée and Pierre Capy
    Citation: Biology Direct 2011 6:19

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