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CAMDA Thematic Series

Guest Editors: Joaquin Dopazo, David P Kreil, and Paweł P Łabaj

The Proceedings of the Critical Assessment of Massive Data Analysis (CAMDA) conference series are part of the annual ISMB meetings of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB). Since its inception at Duke University in 2000, it has quickly become a renowned specialized conference for examining and driving the cutting edge of complex data analyses in the life sciences (Nature 411, 885; 424, 610; Nature Meth 5, 659). 

CAMDA pioneered a community-wide data analysis contest providing a forum for the critical assessment of different -omics techniques, with an opportunity for full-length follow-up research papers.

CAMDA now focuses on one of the grand challenges of our time, the intelligent exploitation of Big Data in the Life Sciences. In the post genomic era, an effective scientific interpretation of large datasets is key to new medical and biological insights from novel high throughput assays and the increasing size of biomedical studies. CAMDA puts a spotlight on the successful analysis and integration of the massive data sets now prevalent in the life sciences.  

Every year, the scientific committee of CAMDA sets different data analysis contest challenges. Leading scientists present their best methods and analyses. They can then submit extended papers a few months after the conference for publication in the open access, fully indexed CAMDA conference proceedings at Biology Direct.

All proceedings can be found below: