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Fig. 3 | Biology Direct

Fig. 3

From: Did the early full genome sequencing of yeast boost gene function discovery?

Fig. 3

Contribution of various scientific journals to the literature about functions of S. cerevisiae genes. The journals in our text corpus that contribute to the literature about baker’s yeast gene functions (minimum 500 scientific articles) can be characterized by a 15-dimensional vector of T-thresholds with the respective aggregated FPEs (T1, T5, T10, …, T50, T75, T100 and T500). We show these vectors in their projections onto the plane of the first (PC1, x-axis) and second (PC2, y-axis) principal components (principal component analysis for all journals found). The first principal component reflects the total number of papers about yeast biomolecular mechanisms published by the journal. The second principal component shows whether the journal is strong in publishing early (T0 or T1; with large positive PC2) papers or late (T100 or T500; with negative PC2 having large absolute value) papers about yeast genes

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