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Figure 4 | Biology Direct

Figure 4

From: Evolutionary plasticity determination by orthologous groups distribution

Figure 4

EPI distribution of target genes related with lethality when knocked-out. The percentage of S. cerevisiae (A) and M. musculus (B) genes presenting different EPI values is show. The grey landscape represents the EPI distribution of all genes from each species. Blue lines represent the EPI distribution of S. cerevisiae genes associated with inviable phenotype when knocked-out (A) and M. musculus target genes associated with early lethality (B). Red lines represent the EPI distribution of target genes associated with viable phenotypes (A and B). Boxes represent EPI distribution of the different gene categories (total, inviable, and viable) from S. cerevisiae (C) and (total, early lethality, and viable) from M. musculus (D). The edges of the boxes indicate the upper and lower quartiles. The line at the center of each box indicates the median, and the whiskers represent the standard deviation. * indicates different from total group (p < 0.0001).

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