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Figure 3 | Biology Direct

Figure 3

From: pkaPS: prediction of protein kinase A phosphorylation sites with the simplified kinase-substrate binding model

Figure 3

Structure of the inhibitor peptide PKI bound to the PKA enzyme: N-terminal region of the substrate. Key arginines from the substrate peptide (RCSB Protein Data Bank entry 1JLU [92]) are highlighted. The left part of the figure shows the surface of PKA in ochre, the backbone of the substrate peptide in silver and the arginines -6, -3 and -2 of the substrate in blue. Arginines -3 and -2 interact with the binding cleft and thereby make major contributions to substrate specificity. A set of acidic enzyme residues interacts with these arginines (zoomed detail-view to the right): Glu170 and Glu230 for Arg-2, Glu127 for Arg-3 and Glu203 for Arg-6 [3]. The pictures were generated using VMD [93].

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