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Fig. 2 | Biology Direct

Fig. 2

From: Probing pathways by which rhynchophylline modifies sleep using spatial transcriptomics

Fig. 2

RHY modifies ECoG activity in a vigilance state-dependent manner

(A) 24-h power spectra for each vigilance state during baseline (BL) and injection (INJ) recordings. Significant interactions between recording day (BL vs. INJ) and frequency bin were found for RHY100 wake (rANOVA females: F116,928 = 6.1, padj < 0.01; males: F116,928 = 4.8, padj < 0.05), for RHY100 SWS in females (F116,928 = 5.9, padj < 0.001), for RHY100 PS in females (F116,928 = 7.0, padj < 0.01) and for RHY50 PS in males (F116,1044 = 3.4, padj < 0.05). Red datapoints indicate significant differences between BL and INJ (planned comparisons p < 0.05).

(B) 24-h time course of SWS delta activity (1–4 Hz; first row), SWS sigma activity (10–13 Hz; second row), and wake alpha activity (8–12 Hz; third row). For SWS, significant treatment by interval interactions were found for both sexes (delta: females F34,442 = 2.7, padj = 0.001; males F34,391 = 3.1, padj = 0.002; sigma: females F34,442 = 2.5, padj = 0.008; males F34,391 = 3.0, padj < 0.001). For wake alpha activity, a significant treatment by interval interaction was only found for females (females F34,442 = 1.6, padj = 0.03; males treatment by interval interaction F34,357 = 1.2, padj = 0.3 and main treatment effect F2,21 = 1.9, p = 0.2). Red and pink datapoints indicate significant differences compared to the saline group for each interval for the RHY100 and RHY50 groups, respectively (post hoc comparisons p < 0.05).

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