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Fig. 1 | Biology Direct

Fig. 1

From: Probing pathways by which rhynchophylline modifies sleep using spatial transcriptomics

Fig. 1

RHY increases SWS time, reduces wake time, and promotes wake and SWS fragmentation

(A) Time course of minutes spent in each vigilance state (wake, SWS and PS) per hour during the baseline (BL) and injection (INJ) 24-h recordings. Significant interactions between RHY treatment and hour were found for wake, SWS and PS for both females (rANOVA: F46,644 > 2.0, padj < 0.01) and males (rANOVA: F46,598 > 1.9, padj < 0.05). Red and pink datapoints indicate significant differences compared to the saline group for each hour for the RHY100 and RHY50 groups, respectively (post hoc comparisons p < 0.05; same for panel C). Diamonds at the top of graphs indicate significant differences between RHY100 and RHY50 (green diamonds for females and blue diamonds for males, post hoc comparison p < 0.05; also in panels B to D). Grey backgrounds represent the dark period (also in C).

(B) Mean duration of individual vigilance state bouts during the INJ day. Significant treatment effects were found for wake and SWS (females: F2,28 > 3.6, p < 0.05; males: F2,26 > 4.6, p < 0.02), and for PS in females (F2,28 = 4.4, p = 0.02). Red and pink stars indicate significant differences compared to the saline group of the same sex for RHY100 and RHY50, respectively (post hoc comparison p < 0.05; same for panel D).

(C) Time course of the number of state bouts per hour for the INJ day. Significant interactions were found between RHY treatment and hour for all three states for females (rANOVA: F46,644 > 2.2, padj < 0.01) and males (rANOVA: F46,598 > 1.8, padj < 0.01).

(D) Number of bouts of different durations for the INJ day. Significant treatment effects were found for specific duration during wake, SWS and PS (females: F2,28 > 3.7, p < 0.05; males: F2,26 > 3.8, p < 0.05).

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