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Fig. 4 | Biology Direct

Fig. 4

From: Dendritic cell-based vaccine prolongs survival and time to next therapy independently of the vaccine cell number

Fig. 4

Time to next therapy (TTNT) from the time of diagnosis of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). The ordinate denotes the percentage of patients without next in-line therapy. The red curve represents patients who received aHyC therapy; the median TTNT (mTTNT) was 28 months, significantly longer (P < 0.001) than the time recorded in control patients (blue curve; 15.9 months), yielding a prolongation of 12.1 months without the need for the next in-line therapy by the aHyC application. In both groups, TTNT was determined by taking into account the time of CRPC diagnosis; data were analysed considering the cut-off date 30 September 2021. Black marks on the red curve indicate censored events (patients who did not receive the next in-line therapy). The table below the plot indicates the number and percentage of patients in both groups who have not yet received any next in-line standard therapy at time points in months on the plot

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