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Table 5 Concordance summary of significant transcripts calls of comparative dilution analysis (AGS versus NUGC3) before and after power-law correction

From: Finite-size effects in transcript sequencing count distribution: its power-law correction necessarily precedes downstream normalization and comparative analysis

  1. The following table gives the agreement of significant transcript calls among the 6 normalization methods (DESeq, RLE, TMM, Upperquartile, CPM and Quantile) for each mapping algorithms (Bowtie1, Bowtie2(global), Novoalign and BWA) for the following 4 positive comparisons: AGS-12p versus NUGC-12p, AGS-12p versus NUGC-3p, AGS-3p versus NUGC-12p and AGS-3p versus NUGC-3p. The summary statistics row gives the concordance of comparisons (i) across all sequencing depth (top row) and (ii) stratified by sequencing depth (bottom row)