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Table 4 Transferring life form by genetic information is significant especially when life become complex

From: The essence of life

For the kind of “form evolution” like that in the living world, there should have been an inevitable problem: how can the form of a complex system be passed on to the next generation? This seems not to be a problem that can be easily solved in nature – and it appears that no other strategy can substitute the strategy that is used by extant organisms: record the whole form of the system as genetic information and pass the information (by that magical modular replication via residue-pairing) on to the offspring, wherein the (phenotypic) form is “rebuilt” according to the genetic information. Notably, in line with the idea concerning the evolution of “reproducers” [13 19], when the life form became more complex (no longer being protocells as mentioned above), the replication of replicators (genes) within the entity would have become insufficient to “prepare for” the multiplication of individuals – a process called “development” would be introduced into the process of reproduction. Apparently, the “development” process fits well in concept with the “rebuilding” process mentioned here. Indeed, the more complex the life form is, the more complicated the development process would become. That is, in some sense, it is the adoption of this strategy, i.e., using the genetic information to transfer the life form across generations but relying on development to implement a living entity within one generation, that makes the emergence of complex living entities (indeed, rather complex) feasible.