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Fig. 13 | Biology Direct

Fig. 13

From: dissectHMMER: a HMMER-based score dissection framework that statistically evaluates fold-critical sequence segments for domain fold similarity

Fig. 13

ROC (receiver operator curve) plots for dissectHMMER, HHsearch and HMMER3 against selected 1134 SCOP-to-Pfam mapped superfamily cases. The top 5 % (65 out of 1199) of SCOP superfamilies with large alignments (i.e. the number of sequences >60) were excluded to maximize the results of HHsearch. Compared to Fig. 6, all individual plots (dissectHMMER, HHsearch, HMMER3) has improved sensitivity (i.e. TPR) for the same specificity rate. The plot for HHsearch improved dramatically and almost comparable to that of dissectHMMER[Ratio]. However, at a FPR of ≤0.05, dissectHMMER remains more sensitive than HHsearch. As such, the results reinforced that score dissection can improve fold similarity detection in existing methods, namely, HMMER3, and comparable to a profile-to-profile search method like HHsearch

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