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Figure 1 | Biology Direct

Figure 1

From: Dynamics of social network structure for Alzheimer and Lymphoma scientific communities

Figure 1

Unique structure dynamics for AD and Lymphoma social networks. (a) All PubMed publications of the last 16 ears, for each of the scientific field, were scanned. A list of either the last or the first author was prepared. Based on this list a connection matrix was built, with the number of joint publications for each researcher pair. Based on this connection matrix a neural network was built as explained in Horvath, Steve [4]. (b) For each network, the node degree distribution is plotted in a log scale. Note stable distribution for AD and an increase with time for Lymphoma (Lymph.). Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test P value <0.05 for Lympohme epoch 1 and all other epochs and is not significant for any of the AD epoch comparisons. (c) For each network, the Weighted Cluster Coefficient (WCC) is plotted in time. KS test P value <0.05 between AD and Lymphoma WCC values. (d) AD social network is characterized by high density and cliquishness while the Lymphoma network is characterized by sparseness and low cliquishness. (e) Inside-country-WCC divided by the outside-country-WCC is plotted in time for different countries.

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