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Figure 4 | Biology Direct

Figure 4

From: “Off-Spotter”: very fast and exhaustive enumeration of genomic lookalikes for designing CRISPR/Cas guide RNAs

Figure 4

Data structures used by Off-Spotter. A schematic of Tables A and B that are used by Off-Spotter with example entries. The tables are created during the “offline” stage of the algorithm. a) Table A here is the hash table that contains all possible 16-mers and a pointer to table B for each 16-mer. Table B contains the information of each hit, i.e. the last 4 bases of the gRNA, PAM, chromosome, strand, and starting position within the chromosome. b) the Tables in this panel show the same entries and can be interpreted as follows: each of the last 4 bases of the gRNAs and the PAM get assigned a number according to the scheme A → 0, C → 1, G → 2, T → 3 chromosomes get assigned a number from 0 to 24 (chr 1 → 0, chr 2 → 1, … chr Y → 23, MT → 24); strands are represented by 0 (forward) or 1 (reverse); and, all positions are 0-based.

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