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Table 6 K-means clustering of "2nd-log obs/exp" into 5 classes reveals a tendency for tissue specificity

From: Epigenetic hereditary transcription profiles II, aging revisited

class 1

class 2

class 3

class 4

class 5

adrenal 1

adrenal 2

adrenal 3

brain 4

cervix 3

bladder 1

bladder 2

adrenal 4

ovary 3

colon 3

bowel 2

bowel 1

bowel 3

prostate 1


brain 6

brain 1

brain 3

prostate 2

fallop t 4


brain 2

brain 5

sem ves 1

heart 3

colon 2

brain 7

cervix 2


lung 2


brain 8

colon 1


lung 3

fallop t 2

cervix 1

esoph 1


muscle 2

lung 4

esoph 3

esoph 2



ovary 1

fallop t 1

heart 1


saliv gl 1

ovary 5

fallop t 3

heart 4


saliv gl 2

stomach 1


heart 6


saliv gl 3

stomach 4

heart 2

kicney 3


saliv gl 4

testis 1

pancre 1

kidney 4


stomach 2


prostate 3

kidney 5


stomach 3


prostate 4

liver 1


testis 2


prostate 5

liver 3


uterus 5


uterus 1

liver 5




uterus 2

lung 1


muscle 1


ovary 2




sem ves 2


sem ves 3


testis 3


uterus 3
