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Fig. 7 | Biology Direct

Fig. 7

From: Comprehensive analysis of mitochondria-related genes indicates that PPP2R2B is a novel biomarker and promotes the progression of bladder cancer via Wnt signaling pathway

Fig. 7

PPP2R2B was low expressed in BC and its overexpression suppressed the proliferation of BC cells. A The expression of PPP2R2B in 10 pairs of BC and normal specimens using RT-PCR. B ROC analysis determining the diagnostic value of PPP2R2B expression in BC patients. C RT-PCR and western blot for the levels of PPP2R2B in five BC cell lines and normal cells. D The expression of PPP2R2B was distinctly increased in RT4 and J82 cells after the transfection of PPP2R2B plasmid. E RT4 and J82 cells that had been transfected with the PPP2R2B plasmid or vector were subjected to CCK-8 assay. F colony formation assays of RT4 and J82 cells. G Apoptosis was identified through the utilization of the TUNEL test. ***p < 0.001, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05

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